
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Truly Rich Club Wealth Summit 2013

I had the privilege of being on stage with Jomar Hilario and 3 other online income earners during the Wealth Summit 2013 at the Philippine International Convention Center. Around 300 people were there.

On stage with (L-R), Jomar Hilario, Jan McKingleyHilado, Paolo Josef Abadesco and Sha Nacino (photo from the Timeline of Sha Nacino) 

During the Wealth Summit, I was interviewed by Jomar about my journey towards my present online work. He asked what I did before working online, the transition and how I spend a typical day these days. The time on stage however was limited.

Allow me to talk about my story in greater detail here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Upgrade to Mac OS 8, Hectic yet Smooth

Yesterday, it dawned on me that my Mac was still using OS 10.6.8. Upon checking Mac Support, I discovered that the latest OS version was already 9.2.2! Apparently, I couldn't jump to that version from where I am. I've got to pass through OS 8, though I think I didn't really need to get to OS 9 right away (ok, fine, stingy me! ^_^ )

Lia, one of my distinguished colleagues laughed heartily at how I could have possibly let Mac OS 7 and OS8 pass by. I defended myself by saying, hey, Mac 0S 10.6.8 worked fine for everything I needed to work online. I didn't feel any need to upgrade!