
Thursday, November 12, 2015

From the Vicious Cycle of Self-Hate to an Empowering Cycle of Self-Love

A few moments ago, I realized 10 days went by since my last blog post. All of a sudden I felt angry about myself. Hurtful words (that I wouldn't dare say here) went flying back and forth and crashing on the walls of my head. (Has anyone said that before? If not then I claim the copyright for that allusion, hehe).

Truth is, we do this to ourselves ... all the time. For instance we say a wrong word to a person who's important to us. We'd then beat ourselves repeatedly with accusatory questions ... "How could you? Haven't I told you? How many times do I have to remind you?"

Monday, November 2, 2015

Breaking the Momentum of Silence

In my previous post I "proclaimed" to everyone that I'm going to resume blogging. A little more than a month later, I still have to deliver on that promise. Well, this post is supposed to break the momentum of silence.

A Daddy must learn to Stop, Look and Listen ... at the Dining Table.

You see, I have some topics laid out. I have them on a spreadsheet. Then I added columns into this spreadsheet that identify all the other details I want for each topic - key points, keywords, bla bla bla. Then I got stuck.

That's what happens when you plan too much. I've been told, and my personal experience affirms so, that, to start something, just start. Of course, you need to plan. But experts usually say, a napkin planning often is enough.